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AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder – Specialty

AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder - Specialty certification Course


AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder – Specialty (AXS-C01)


Domain 1: Voice-First Design Practices and Capabilities 14%

Domain 2: Skill Design 24%

Domain 3: Skill Architecture 14%

Domain 4: Skill Development 20%

Domain 5: Test, Validate, and Troubleshoot 18%

Domain 6: Publishing, Operations, and Lifecycle Management 10%

TOTAL 100%


Domain 1: Voice-First Design Practices and Capabilities

1.1 Describe how users interact with skills

1.2 Map features and capabilities to use cases


Domain 2: Skill Design

2.1 Design and develop an interaction model

2.2 Design a multi-turn conversation

2.3 Use built-in intents and slots

2.4 Handle unexpected conversational requests or responses

2.5 Design multi-modal skills using one or more service interfaces (for example, audio, video, and gadgets)


Domain 3: Skill Architecture

3.1 Identify AWS services for extending Alexa skill functionality (Amazon CloudFront, Amazon S3, Amazon

CloudWatch, and Amazon DynamoDB)

3.2 Use AWS Lambda to build Alexa skills

3.3 Follow AWS and Alexa security and privacy best practices


Domain 4: Skill Development

4.1 Implement in-skill purchasing and Amazon Pay for Alexa Skills

4.2 Use Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) for expression and MP3 audio

4.3 Implement state management

4.4 Implement Alexa service interfaces (audio player, video player, and screens)

4.5 Parse Alexa JSON requests and provide responses


Domain 5: Test, Validate, and Troubleshoot

5.1 Debug and troubleshoot using Amazon CloudWatch or other tools

5.2 Use the Alexa developer testing tools

5.3 Perform beta testing

5.4 Troubleshoot errors in the interaction model


Domain 6: Publishing, Operations, and Lifecycle Management

6.1 Describe the skill publishing process

6.2 Add and remove users in the developer console

6.3 Perform analysis of skill analytics in the developer console

6.4 Differentiate among the statuses/versions of skills (for example, In Development, In Certification, and



Abilities Validated by the Certification


  • Explain the value of voice
  • Design the user experience
  • Design the architecture to build the skill
  • Follow AWS and Alexa security best practices for the skill
  • Develop, test, validate, and troubleshoot the skill
  • Manage the skill-publishing process and work with the Alexa Developer Console
  • Manage skill operations and life cycles



  • Recommended Knowledge and Experience


  • At least 6 months of hands-on experience building Alexa skills using the Alexa Skills Kit, including skills that incorporate services from the AWS Cloud
  • Proficiency with a programming language
  • Published an Alexa skill


Note: The Alexa Skill Builder - Specialty exam (AXS-C01) tests a candidate’s competence using Alexa services and features that have been generally available (GA) in the United States/United Kingdom (US/UK) locales for a minimum of 6 months. Exam candidates practicing outside of these locales should be aware of the services and features available in the US/UK.



Exam Content


Response Types


There are two types of questions on the examination:

 Multiple choice: Has one correct response and three incorrect responses (distractors).

 Multiple response: Has two or more correct responses out of five or more options.


Select one or more responses that best complete the statement or answer the question. Distractors, or incorrect

answers are response options that an examinee with incomplete knowledge or skill would likely choose. However,

they are generally plausible responses that fit in the content area defined by the test objective.

Unanswered questions are scored as incorrect; there is no penalty for guessing.


Unscored Content


Your examination may include unscored items that are placed on the test to gather statistical information. These

items are not identified on the form and do not affect your score.


Exam Results


The AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder - Specialty (AXS-C01) examination is a pass or fail exam. The examination is

scored against a minimum standard established by Amazon Alexa professionals who are guided by certification

industry best practices and guidelines.


Your results for the examination are reported as a score from 100–1,000, with a minimum passing score of 750.

Your score shows how you performed on the examination as a whole and whether or not you passed. Scaled

scoring models are used to equate scores across multiple exam forms that may have slightly different difficulty



Your score report contains a table of classifications of your performance at each section level. This information is

designed to provide general feedback concerning your examination performance. The examination uses a

compensatory scoring model, which means that you do not need to “pass” the individual sections, only the overall

examination. Each section of the examination has a specific weighting, so some sections have more questions than

others. The table contains general information, highlighting your strengths and weaknesses. Exercise caution when

interpreting section-level feedback.

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